Call for Presenters
The International Florence Price Festival invites scholars, educators, and performers to submit abstracts for presentations at PriceFest 2024 on October 4-6, 2024, at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. This annual festival serves as a medium to share research, lectures, performances, and have meaningful discussions on the performance and interpretation of the music of Florence Price, her contemporaries, and the music of historically marginalized composers.
Applicants may submit abstracts for the following presentation formats:
Podium Presentations
Panel Discussions
Poster Presentations
Lightning Talks
All submissions will be evaluated by the PriceFest Program Committee. The primary criterion for acceptance will be the proposal’s relevance to the Festival’s mission, as well as its artistic and/or scholarly quality. Students and emerging scholars are especially encouraged to apply.
Podium Presentations
Oral presentations are informative and thought-provoking talks that explore topics outlined above. Talks should be up to 30 minutes in length and will have additional time provided for Q&A. The abstract should give a substantial overview of the presentation’s content.
Panel Discussions
Panel discussions are conversational approaches to broad topics that align with the scope and mission of PriceFest. Ideal panels may include 3-4 discussants, as well as a moderator or respondent. The abstract should describe the goals of the panel discussion (or potential audience takeaways) and explain how each panelist will contribute. Panel discussions should be no more than 45 minutes with 15 minutes for audience Q&A.
Lecture-recitals blend performance with commentary from the stage that illuminates aspects of the musical program, broader culture, performance practice, or the presenter’s own artistic journey with the proposed material. Abstracts will provide a synopsis of the program, including specific works to be performed. Lecture-recitals should be no more than 35 minutes with 10 minutes for audience Q&A.
Poster Presentations
Poster presentations offer a visually rich narrative or summary of research or creative findings. Posters at PriceFest may be on display during the entire festival period, depending on space. Dedicated time will be allotted for presenters to stand with their posters and discuss them with other festival participants. Poster abstracts should provide a synopsis of the proposed work.
Lightning Talks
Lightning talks are quick, highly engaging presentations of 5-10 minutes on a single, thought-provoking topic. These will be scheduled in a rapid sequence so that lightning talk participants can engage in conversation with each other and with audience participants. Abstracts should provide a substantial overview of the talk’s content.
Presenters wishing to be considered must complete and submit the online submission form. A complete proposal submission will include:
Type of presentation
Title of presentation
350 word (max) abstract
Name(s) and affiliation(s) of presenter(s)*
Ca. 150 word bio(s) of presenter(s)
Technical and A/V needs
Important Dates and Reminders
Presenter submission deadline: August 5, 2024
Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2024
Questions should be directed to
*All presenters and performers must register for the festival.